
Over The Rainbow - Judy Garland with Victor Young and His Orchestra

Over The Rainbow - Judy Garland with Victor Young and His Orchestra

Over The Rainbow - Judy Garland with Victor Young and His Orchestra

Oh, Canada! - Moscow RTV Symphony Orchestra, Klaus-Peter Hahn & Calixa Lavallée

Oh, Canada! - Moscow RTV Symphony Orchestra, Klaus-Peter Hahn & Calixa Lavallée

Oh, Canada! - Moscow RTV Symphony Orchestra, Klaus-Peter Hahn & Calixa Lavallée

It's Impossible - Perry Como

It's Impossible - Perry Como

It's Impossible - Perry Como

Papa Loves Mambo - Perry Como

Papa Loves Mambo - Perry Como

Papa Loves Mambo - Perry Como

Once Upon a December (From the "Anastasia" Soundtrack) - Liz Callaway

Once Upon a December (From the "Anastasia" Soundtrack) - Liz Callaway

Once Upon a December (From the "Anastasia" Soundtrack) - Liz Callaway

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