
Bachianinha: Toquinho e Yamandu Costa (Live at Rio Montreux Jazz Festival) - Toquinho & Yamandu Costa

Bachianinha: Toquinho e Yamandu Costa (Live at Rio Montreux Jazz Festival) - Toquinho & Yamandu Costa

Bachianinha: Toquinho e Yamandu Costa (Live at Rio Montreux Jazz Festival) - Toquinho & Yamandu Costa

Passos e Assovio - Guinga & Gabriele Mirabassi

Passos e Assovio - Guinga & Gabriele Mirabassi

Passos e Assovio - Guinga & Gabriele Mirabassi

20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Astrud Gilberto - Astrud Gilberto

20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Astrud Gilberto - Astrud Gilberto

20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Astrud Gilberto - Astrud Gilberto

Celebration - A Musical Journey - Sergio Mendes

Celebration - A Musical Journey - Sergio Mendes

Celebration - A Musical Journey - Sergio Mendes

The Best of Caetano Veloso - Sem Lenço Sem Documento - Caetano Veloso

The Best of Caetano Veloso - Sem Lenço Sem Documento - Caetano Veloso

The Best of Caetano Veloso - Sem Lenço Sem Documento - Caetano Veloso

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