
A British Tar - Christopher Gillett, Men's Chorus, Paul Parfitt & Paul Thomson

A British Tar - Christopher Gillett, Men's Chorus, Paul Parfitt & Paul Thomson

A British Tar - Christopher Gillett, Men's Chorus, Paul Parfitt & Paul Thomson

Nuns' Chorus - Anni Frind

Nuns' Chorus - Anni Frind

Nuns' Chorus - Anni Frind

My Gallant Crew / I Am the Captain of the Pinafore / Sir You Are Sad - Gordon Sandison, Linda Ormiston & Men's Chorus

My Gallant Crew / I Am the Captain of the Pinafore / Sir You Are Sad - Gordon Sandison, Linda Ormiston & Men's Chorus

My Gallant Crew / I Am the Captain of the Pinafore / Sir You Are Sad - Gordon Sandison, Linda Ormiston & Men's Chorus

Carefully On Tiptoe Stealing / Hold, Pretty Daughter of Mine / He Is an Englishman / Uttering a Reprobation / My Pain and My Distress - Christopher Gillett, Company, Elizabeth Ritchie, Gordon Sandison, Janine Roebuck, Nickolas Grace & Thomas Lawlor

Carefully On Tiptoe Stealing / Hold, Pretty Daughter of Mine / He Is an Englishman / Uttering a Reprobation / My Pain and My Distress - Christopher Gillett, Company, Elizabeth Ritchie, Gordon Sandison, Janine Roebuck, Nickolas Grace & Thomas Lawlor

Carefully On Tiptoe Stealing / Hold, Pretty Daughter of Mine / He Is an Englishman / Uttering a Reprobation / My Pain and My Distress - Christopher Gillett, Company, Elizabeth Ritchie, Gordon Sandison, Janine Roebuck, Nickolas Grace & Thomas Lawlor

Jerusalem - Sean Ruane

Jerusalem - Sean Ruane

Jerusalem - Sean Ruane

Blow The Wind Southerly - Kathleen Ferrier

Blow The Wind Southerly - Kathleen Ferrier

Blow The Wind Southerly - Kathleen Ferrier

The Lord's My Shepherd - Crimmond - Glasgow Orpheus Choir

The Lord's My Shepherd - Crimmond - Glasgow Orpheus Choir

The Lord's My Shepherd - Crimmond - Glasgow Orpheus Choir

The Lost Chord - Peter Dawson

The Lost Chord - Peter Dawson

The Lost Chord - Peter Dawson

O Helga Natt - Jussi Björling

O Helga Natt - Jussi Björling

O Helga Natt - Jussi Björling

Un Bel De Vedromo - Renata Tebaldi, The Chorus & Orchestra Of The Accademia di Santa Ceclia, Rome & Alberto Erede

Un Bel De Vedromo - Renata Tebaldi, The Chorus & Orchestra Of The Accademia di Santa Ceclia, Rome & Alberto Erede

Un Bel De Vedromo - Renata Tebaldi, The Chorus & Orchestra Of The Accademia di Santa Ceclia, Rome & Alberto Erede

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