

Silverado - Lawrence Kasdan

Silverado - Lawrence Kasdan

Silverado - Lawrence Kasdan

決殺令 - Quentin Tarantino

決殺令 - Quentin Tarantino

決殺令 - Quentin Tarantino

真實的勇氣 (True Grit)  - Joel Coen & Ethan Coen

真實的勇氣 (True Grit) - Joel Coen & Ethan Coen

真實的勇氣 (True Grit) - Joel Coen & Ethan Coen

A Fistful of Dollars - Sergio Leone

A Fistful of Dollars - Sergio Leone

A Fistful of Dollars - Sergio Leone

Wild Wild West - Barry Sonnenfeld

Wild Wild West - Barry Sonnenfeld

Wild Wild West - Barry Sonnenfeld

The Dark Tower 黑塔 - Nikolaj Arcel

The Dark Tower 黑塔 - Nikolaj Arcel

The Dark Tower 黑塔 - Nikolaj Arcel

百萬種硬的方式 (A Million Ways to Die in the West) - Seth MacFarlane

百萬種硬的方式 (A Million Ways to Die in the West) - Seth MacFarlane

百萬種硬的方式 (A Million Ways to Die in the West) - Seth MacFarlane

The Magnificent Seven (2016) - Antoine Fuqua

The Magnificent Seven (2016) - Antoine Fuqua

The Magnificent Seven (2016) - Antoine Fuqua

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - Andrew Dominik

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - Andrew Dominik

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - Andrew Dominik

與狼共舞 - Kevin Costner

與狼共舞 - Kevin Costner

與狼共舞 - Kevin Costner

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